When Madame Secretary blamed the DNC primary fraud on "The Russians", her response came out almost at the same time that the scheme was uncovered. As a reasonably cognizant American adult, I thought that Madame Secretary's response was a bit too quick to be thoroughly investigated. It seemed the response was contrived before they were caught (a "just-in-case" scenario). As far as I can see, "The Russians" are no more than a convenient scapegoat. In my opinion, the calls for investigation on Russian Hacking should wait until after Madame Secretary is incarcerated for her many other crimes. Why throw good money after bad in Attorney's Fees? Oh, and let's not forget Obama's effort to thwart Bibi Netanyahu's election. Barry spent at least $350,000 of the taxpayer's money on that failed effort. In fact, Mr Soetoro (Obama) seems to feel quite entitled when it comes to spending taxpayer's money without congressional authorization.