I wish to opt out on corruption.
I will not lie, I will not steal,
I will not kill or injure, I will not pursue revenge.
I will keep my promises and I will honor my word.
I will meditate for fresh Thought, Heart and Soul.I will not lie, I will not steal,
I will not kill or injure, I will not pursue revenge.
I will keep my promises and I will honor my word.
Our goal is to provide an honest accounting of current political and social events. In recent years Media Organizations have failed to present “actual news” and they have published accounts with their own bias slant. This bias slant distorts reality to a point where the American People are wrongly informed about what is going on in their government and the world. The Silent Majority Roars attempts to cut through this “Bias Slant” and provide the truth. The commentary provided by The Silent Majority Roars is based on a conservative viewpoint and should be understood in that context. Logical opposing opinions will be provided whenever they are available.
This site is not affiliated with the United States Government nor any of its agencies. This site is not affiliated with any political campaign or political party either directly or indirectly. This site is not affiliated with Hillary Clinton or her campaign nor the FBI director Jim Comey, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, nor any other Hillary Clinton surrogates or supporters.